Tara with her freshly enchanted candles.

Tara with her freshly enchanted candles.

Candle Magic

Or Pyromancy has been in continuous practice ever since the first flames were kept. The candles we offer you here have been tried and true. Without making any claims or promises, our experiences and those of our customers have proven to us that these candles get great results. 

Please see our book selection for more detailed instructions for use.  

These candles are fixed and charged in house.

Tara's Enchanted Candles have been gaining quite the following. Clients returning again and again for help with their particular needs.

Custom candles are also available upon request. *

*no claims are made.


Affirmation Candles


Herbal Intention Candles

All of these scented candles are hand crafted using the finest wax, lead-free materials and an exotic blend of essential oils. The strong scent and colorful appearance of these candles are entrancing.

A favorite with our instore customers

*This African based folk magic comes to us though our southern slavery roots, up through our Jazz heritage, moves North with industry and lands smack dab in our every day lives. Hoo Doo is a very practical and root based magic that digs deep into our own core self. The results are fast, profound and healing.*As described by the maker.

Sometimes you need a little Wicked to spark your Mojo. That’s because it’s the easiest magic on the face of the Earth. You set the tone, name your intent, light the candle, and the magic happens. It’s as easy as that.
