Bear's Moon Water

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Bear's Moon Water


Uses For Moon Water

Energize your gemstones and crystals

Anoint ritual spaces, altars, magickal tools, and even your own body before lunar-themed workings.

Use in ritual or spell work

the boundaries in which a spell is intended to take effect.

Use it as a base for magickal inks to use in written spells, or for writing in a book of shadows

Bring transformation to a situation by placing a symbol or written description of the situation inside a jar filled with moon water.

Spill some moon water to mark the parameters of a magick circle, or to delineate

Use it for basic cleaning to bring an infusion of tranquility to the home.

Use it to water plants in the home or in the garden to encourage growth.

Use it to wash your hair and face to enhance beauty and bring out your inner glow.

Fill a balloon with moon water, freeze it, then remove the balloon to create a lunar-attuned scrying orb

Place cut flowers in a vase of moon water to enhance and prolong their beauty.

Paint a picture with moon water and a water-based paint to help manifest your wishes.

Anoint letters, cards, and applications with moon water to encourage cooperation and agreement to your requests and petitions.

You can bless your money with moon water. Sprinkle water (a few drops) on your wallet

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Locally made in The Towe District, Fresno Ca, for The Brass Unicorn.

The Moon water is formulated each month with different crystals and full moon picked herbs. Moon water is made during the peak of the full moon each month in a quartz crystal bowl to further enhance and energize the water.